Hey this is Matthew.

My friends call me Freeman.

I live in the city.


For fun I like to play tennis, go out to eat, watch movies, play golf, read books, watch sports, sing, read articles, drink oat milk mochas, lay in the sun, practice guitar, devise economic theories, practice French, play around on the computer, and lots of other stuff.


Analysis of US College Graduation Rates: I put together this analysis of 4-year and 6-year college graduation rates. They are shockingly low.

This website: I coded this website from scratch for fun.

My previous job was investing in private equity and venture capital funds.

I currently work on strategic and operational initiatives at Yelp.


If you have somehow encountered this website without already knowing me, feel free to hit me up at matthew + freeman + 63 at gmail.com.

You can connect with me on LinkedIn if you want, but I mean you also really don't have to.

This website is hosted on Github.